What is Sweet Adelines Region 5?


There are over 30,000 Sweet Adelines around the world divided into regions based on location. We are Region 5, Spirit of the Midwest.  With 15 choruses from Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska, we currently have over 600 singers of all ages and all walks of life. 

We host a regional chorus and quartet contest and convention every spring, and we offer two additional fun and educational events. We are run by a superb group of women who volunteer their time and experience to make the region run smoothly.  You can find more about our leadership and our region above under About.

Region 5 offers opportunities to join a chorus in many cities across several states.  Joining a chorus is a wonderful way to learn how to sing or imTprove your existing vocal skills.  In a chorus, the director will assess your vocal range and place you in one of four voice parts.  You'll be educated in how to sing your best with that section of the chorus. The ability to read music is helpful but not a requirement.

On this journey, you'll meet many amazing, talented, friendly and helpful women and develop friendships that last a lifetime.  Click here to find a chorus near you!

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48th Annual Spirit of the Midwest
Region 5 Convention
and Competition


Quartet and Chorus Competition
Friday April 12 & 13th.

Webcast of Quartet Contest
  (Choose LIVE videos)

Webcast of Chorus Contest

Find all the Quartet and Chorus performances on our YouTube channel: SAI Region 5. Choose LIVE videos.

Click Here to help defray webcast costs.


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